So, are we in a Recession?

The past few months the news cycles have been flooded with headlines about a recession. Some outlets say one is quickly coming. Others say we are already in one. While the word recession carries a well earned negative connotation, there are strategies you can take to most effectively navigate one. During this webinar Larson Financial … Continued

Roth Conversions: New Legislation, Successes, and Pitfalls

With new legislation in progress, there are a couple items that are in need to shed light on before you take a “set it and forget it” approach to saving for retirement, but proactive planning can help you save more efficiently by reducing your tax burden. Let’s talk about the Roth Conversion process, and how … Continued

Year-End Tax Planning for an Uncertain Future

Attend this discussion on the proposed “Build America Back Better” Act. What’s in it? When does it go into effect? And most importantly, how do we plan for it in 2021 and beyond? All of these questions and more will be addressed in this engaging webinar. Larson Tax Partners’ Director of Tax Strategy & Services, Brent Robbs, … Continued