Larson’s Leadership Development Program.

At Larson, we believe in fostering leadership excellence at every stage of your career. Whether you’re a recent college graduate or a seasoned professional, our comprehensive leadership development program offers a transformative experience that equips you with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to pioneer change.

Immerse yourself in our dynamic program, where talented individuals like you are empowered to take on meaningful projects that make a real impact. Through a combination of hands-on training, mentorship, and immersive learning opportunities, our program is tailored to unleash your full potential as a leader.

Application Deadline is November 17th.

Get To Know Us.

  • What Makes Us Different?
    Tailored Growth Roadmap – We craft a personalized development path aligning with your career aspirations, leveraging our program pillars of Education, Experience, Exposure, and Evaluation to provide a tailored and comprehensive leadership journey.
    Real-World Impact – Our program emphasizes hands-on experience, enabling you to work on meaningful projects both individually as well as with the other members of your cohort.
    Holistic Learning Experience – We fuse traditional learning with interactive workshops and educational seminars directly from executive leadership to provide a well-rounded understanding of leadership.
  • What Do We Offer?
    Structured Learning Modules – Engage in a series of meticulously designed modules covering essential leadership competencies, facilitated by our in-house industry experts. This includes Cohort education seminars, Harvard Business Review case study workshops, and Book Club sessions.
    One-On-One Mentoring – Benefit from personalized guidance and advice from seasoned leaders within our organization, helping you navigate your leadership journey.
    Networking Opportunities – Build a strong professional network by connecting with peers, mentors, and industry professionals, enhancing your exposure and opportunities for growth.
  • Why Join Larson’s LDP?
    Accelerated Growth – Our program acts as a catalyst for your professional development, providing you with valuable skills and experiences to advance in your career.
    Collaborative Environment – Immerse yourself in a collaborative culture, where teamwork and shared success are at the core, amplifying your growth and fostering a sense of community.
    Long-Term Investment – Our commitment extends beyond the program. Larson invests in your long-term success, providing resources and support to ensure your continual growth and progression within the organization.

Growth, Your Way.

Here at t Larson, we believe growth is a personal expedition. Our program provides the canvas, and you hold the brush.

Whether you seek to refine your skillset, broaden your horizons, or elevate your leadership abilities, our flexible and comprehensive approach allows you to carve out your own unique path.

St. Louis-Based, Nationwide Impact.

Don’t Just
Take Our
Word For It.

“What a privilege it was to participate in the inaugural year of the Leadership Development Program. The curriculum was thoughtfully designed, providing a wealth of invaluable knowledge and skills for my professional journey. The facilitators were approachable and instrumental in my growth as a leader. I enjoyed getting to connect with a diverse group of peers, as it expanded my network and perspective. Since completing the program, I’ve seen tangible results in my leadership abilities, and I recommend it to anyone looking to elevate their skills and make a meaningful impact.”

Chrissy Casey
Office Manager, Larson Financial Group

“I had the privilege of participating in the Leadership Program offered by Larson in the year 2023. I can confidently say that it has been a transformative experience that has enriched both my personal and professional life. From the moment I joined the program, I was impressed by the caliber of the materials and the depth of knowledge they shared with us. The program was designed with a perfect balance of theory and practical application, providing us with a comprehensive understanding of leadership principles while giving us the tools and applications to use in real-world situations. One of the standout aspects of the program was the emphasis on self-awareness and personal development. I gained a deeper understanding of my strengths, weaknesses, and leadership style. Throughout the program, there were regular check-ins and feedback sessions, allowing us to track our progress and make necessary adjustments. I would highly recommend the LDP to anyone looking to enhance their leadership capabilities.”

Lora McKee
Client Service Manager, Larson Financial Group

“The first year of the LDP has been such an awesome experience. From engaging in unique individual projects and collaborating with other growth-seekers across different parts of the company, to interacting directly with the Executive Leadership Team, this program has provided a ton of invaluable learning experiences. I’m certain that this level of exposure and networking wouldn’t have been possible without the LDP. I sincerely recommend this program to anyone who’s curious to tap into their leadership potential and make a lasting impact on their career.”

Alec McDaniel
Business Analyst, Larson Financial Group


Who can apply? Who can apply?

Larson’s Leadership Development Program is open to any existing employee of Larson who is eager to cultivate their leadership abilities. We believe in nurturing talent from within, and this program is designed to provide our employees with the tools and experiences they need to become effective leaders within the organization.

How are participants selected? How are participants selected?

Participation in the LDP involves a structured selection process. Employees interested in joining the program submit an application expressing their intent and showcasing their qualifications. The selection committee thoroughly reviews these applications, considering factors such as performance, potential, and alignment with the program’s objectives.

Shortlisted candidates are then invited for in-person interviews, during which their leadership capabilities, aspirations, and cultural fit within the program are assessed. The final cohort is carefully curated based on the outcomes of this evaluation, ensuring a diverse and impactful group of participants ready to embark on this transformative leadership journey.

Can I participate in the program if I am a remote employee? Can I participate in the program if I am a remote employee?

Definitely. The LDP is designed to be inclusive and accessible to all Larson employees, regardless of their location or work arrangement. For remote employees, we ensure that program components, including educational seminars, workshops, and mentorship sessions, are accessible virtually. The program is structured to accommodate various work situations, allowing all eligible employees to participate and benefit from this enriching experience.

Are there networking opportunities? Are there networking opportunities?

Absolutely! Our program is designed to maximize networking opportunities. Through engaging in individual and group projects, collaborating with fellow cohort members, and presenting your work to executive leadership, you’ll interact with a diverse range of individuals. These experiences not only enhance your skill set but also expand your professional network, enabling meaningful connections that can propel your career forward.

What will I get to work on? What will I get to work on?

During your time in the LDP, you will have the chance to work on a variety of projects. These projects will challenge and enrich you, allowing you to apply the skills and knowledge gained during the program. Projects can range from leveraging technology to introduce process efficiencies, contributing to strategic initiatives, to exploring innovative solutions that drive positive change within our organization.

How long is the program? How long is the program?

Larson’s Leadership Development Program is structured as a year-long journey, designed to provide a comprehensive and immersive experience. Starting in 2024, this year-long commitment ensures a thorough exploration of essential leadership components, enabling participants to apply what they’ve learned and contribute meaningfully to Larson’s vision and mission.

Still have questions? Shoot us a note! Still have questions? Shoot us a note!

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