Giving Back

A Trip to the Philippines

Posted on August 7, 2024

Ten Days, Infinite Impact

In June 2024, several of Larson’s Warriors embarked on a 10-day mission trip to Sorsogon, a city in the Philippines. They volunteered at a children’s home run by the Ruel Foundation, a local community outreach organization helping children in crisis.

Several of Larson’s Warriors recently embarked on a 10-day mission trip to the Philippines to volunteer at a children’s.
Our crew from St. Louis.
Larson CEO Paul Larson cutting the ribbon for Ruel's new facility.
Ribbon-cutting at Ruel’s new facility.
About Ruel

Children come to Ruel after being orphaned, abandoned, or neglected. They often suffer from malnourishment or abuse. The caregivers at Ruel provide safe housing, life-changing surgeries, medical care, and spiritual guidance. Some children are able to be reintegrated back into their homes after receiving the care they need, while others find their “forever homes” through adoption.

Our Impact

During the trip, our team helped Ruel prepare for the grand opening of a new building which will help them reach even more children. Our volunteers painted the exterior of the older buildings and repainted metal beds for the new children’s home. While these tasks seem simple on the surface, they have profound meaning as they directly contribute to creating a welcoming environment for the children. Ruel’s new facility represents a significant step forward in their mission to care for the most vulnerable.

Spending time with the children and staff left a lasting impression on our team. Seeing these kids thrive in an environment where they truly feel safe and loved was a powerful reminder of the importance of the work Ruel is doing.

One girl brought a bottle of fingernail polish to our CEO, Paul Larson, and asked him to paint her fingernails. While he’s a successful business owner and entrepreneur, he’s not very experienced with fingernail polish. After he completed one of her hands, the girl told him she’d find someone else to do her other hand.

Girl at the children's home showing off her freshly painted nails.
Showing off her freshly painted fingernails.
Volunteer at the children's home giving a boost to a young boy while playing basketball.
Giving a boost during a basketball game.
Volunteer at the children's home handing out food to community members.
Handing out food in the community.

A Week and a Half, A World of Difference

We love when our Warriors give their time to volunteer, reaffirming our commitment our mission of “Empowering All to Flourish.”

Our teammates who participated in this trip reflect on the experience with immense gratitude. They report the opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of these children, even in a small way, was a privilege.

This mission trip was not just about giving; it was also about learning, growing, and connecting with others in a shared purpose. And while each of our team members came away with their own unique perspective, they were united in knowing the experience was profoundly impactful.

We have very close ties with the Ruel Foundation, and they are one of our favorite organizations to partner with. See how we’ve worked with them in the past!

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