Earnings season begins this week

Market Commentary by Larson COO Mitchell Wood The Major Markets closed lower, but minimally so last week, with the exception of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. For much of the developed markets, market analysts appeared to be waiting in anticipation of the quarterly earnings releases over the next few weeks. Earnings season begins in earnest … Continued

Cuts to Crude Oil Production

Market Commentary by Larson COO Mitchell Wood The Major Markets ended mostly lower last week with the Dow Jones being the lone holdout in positive territory. The Dow Jones benefited from its narrow exposure to Blue Chip Stocks that outperformed the broader Large Cap style box. Across the style boxes, only Large Cap Growth managed … Continued

The First Quarter Ended on a Positive Note

Market Commentary by Larson COO Mitchell Wood The final week of the first quarter ended on a positive note as all five indices closed higher. For the first time in recent memory, the MSCI World index saw the greatest gains followed not too far behind by the S&P 500. The S&P 500 logged its third … Continued

Strategies for Reducing Your Effective Tax Rate

As winter gives way to spring, many physicians are finding themselves in the familiar position of preparing their tax returns in advance of the April filing deadline. Compounding the stress is the complex tax code. Doctors tend to be among the busiest of professionals, making it a challenge to keep up with all the rules … Continued

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Privacy Policy California residents, click here. Advisory Services offered through Larson Financial Group, LLC, a Registered Investment Advisor. Securities offered through Larson Financial Securities, LLC, Member FINRA/SIPC/MSRB. We respect the privacy of our newsletter subscribers, clients, contacts, those who answer our surveys, and those who fill out our questionnaires. It is our policy: 1. Choice and consent. To … Continued

A Financially Organized Life

As tax season wraps up, this is a great time to make sure your important documents are organized. We wanted to share some tips on creating a system to order and arrange your bills, statements, insurance policies, and other financial paperwork. Efficient record-keeping is the cornerstone of a robust and healthy financial life. When you … Continued