Earnings season begins this week

Market Commentary by Larson COO Mitchell Wood The Major Markets closed lower, but minimally so last week, with the exception of the MSCI Emerging Markets Index. For much of the developed markets, market analysts appeared to be waiting in anticipation of the quarterly earnings releases over the next few weeks. Earnings season begins in earnest … Continued

Gains in All Five Indices

Gains in all five indices exceeded a percentage point with the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq vying for the top position with just over two percentage point gains, returning the year-to-date Small Cap Value style box to positive territory last week.

Schwab Financial Partner – Jake Whipp

Why Larson? Larson has custodied billions at Schwab/TD Ameritrade for many years.  In 2020, Larson joined the referral network now known as SAN (Schwab Advisor Network) and has had tremendous success partnering with Financial Consultants all over the country.  It was evident when Larson joined the network that there are not many firms on the … Continued


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Accredited Investors

Accredited Investor Criteria AN INVESTMENT IN THE FUND IS SUITABLE ONLY FOR INVESTORS OF SUBSTANTIAL FINANCIAL MEANS WHO HAVE NO NEED FOR LIQUIDITY IN THIS INVESTMENT.  The Fund intends to sell Fund Interests only to “eligible investors.”  An “eligible investor” in the Fund must be an “accredited investor,” as defined in Rule 501(a) of Regulation … Continued