Warrior Impact

At Larson, our Warriors are driven by a goal-oriented mindset extending beyond the office. In pursuit of our 2030 goal of seeing 100,000 clients, colleagues, and communities flourishing, we empower our team members to make a tangible impact in their communities by using their “Warrior Impact Time.”

warrior (noun) /ˈwôrēər/: a person who shows great courage or skill

Every year, we provide each of our employees with 16 hours of “Warrior Impact Time,” empowering them to get out into their communities and volunteer, and get paid for it! This initiative reinforces our belief that true success is measured by the collective well-being of those we serve. Through this program, we cultivate a workplace where success is defined not just by financial achievements but by the positive impact we have on the world around us.

Our Recent Impact

H.E.R.O.E.S. Care is a St. Louis based non-profit dedicated to supporting military members and their families throughout their journey. Recently, 35 of our Warriors volunteered at their Mission Depot. Read about our impact!

In June 2024, several of Larson’s Warriors embarked on a 10-day mission trip to Sorsogon, a city in the Philippines. They volunteered at a children’s home run by the Ruel Foundation, a local community outreach organization helping children in crisis.

We often partner with the St. Patrick’s Center in downtown St. Louis as they work to transform lives. From fundraising efforts to hosting workshops for the people they serve, read how we continue to support their work.

Corporate Philanthropy

We want to see 100,000 clients, colleagues, and communities flourishing by 2030.


We provide each of our employees with 16 hours of paid volunteer time each year to serve.


Employees’ charitable donations are matched by the Foundation to double their impact.


We are always looking for charities to partner with, either domestically or abroad.

Servant Leadership at the Heart of Our Mission

Servant leadership is a cornerstone of our culture and embodied through our Warriors’ commitment to service. We believe serving others fosters genuine connections and enhances our collective prosperity.

Our mission of “Empowering All to Flourish” is not just about delivering exceptional financial services; it’s about creating a positive ripple effect in the communities we touch.

By dedicating time to volunteer efforts, our Warriors exemplify the values of integrity, service, and love, which are fundamental to our approach to both business and life.

We believe the best way to find contentment and ultimately flourish is engaging the next generation on how to give back.

Paul Larson

Embodying the Warrior Spirit
Through Service

The Warrior spirit at Larson is defined by resilience, dedication, and a passion for making a difference. Through Warrior Impact Time, our employees channel this spirit into community service, embracing challenges and overcoming obstacles to create lasting positive change.

Whether it’s building homes with Habitat for Humanity, helping cook meals at the Ronald McDonald house, or volunteering in the Philippines, our Warriors approach each volunteer opportunity with the same vigor and commitment they bring to their professional roles.

Our dedication to service underscores our belief that by empowering others, we strengthen not only our communities but also the core of who we are as an organization.

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Larson supports families feeling at home. Even when they can’t be.

Words from our Warriors on the charities they support.

City Hope St. Louis provides emergency shelter and opportunities for the unhoused community in the St. Louis metropolitan area. One of their programs is called “Spirit’s Joy for the Youth”, which advocates to end bullying, and works with children on how to empower themselves. City Hope helps individuals overcome adversity and find a way to get to the root of the issues for a positive and permanent solve.

– Marcy J.
Director of Human Resources

CityServe is a nationwide organization based out of St. Louis, MO. They partner with local churches across the country to make an impact on their communities and spread the gospel of Jesus. This is accomplished through disaster relief and programs to minister to those who need assistance. By having a central organization, they can streamline and standardize their processes, allowing the local churches to identify which areas and specific needs to target. CityServe supports individuals in their time of need, and they are a great example of servant leadership, as they’ve already delivered $1.2 billion in goods through their network.

– Jacob F.
Financial Planner

It’s inspiring to see how mission minded this church is – the whole structure of their budget BEGINS with missions. By giving to others first, they ensure all the local and global initiatives they support get the full funding they need and can continue to operate without having to worry about any shortfalls. Once the missions’ coffers are filled, then the budget goes toward the church building, staff, etc. This is encouraging to see and an important reminder to put others before ourselves. The church is always generous and giving to those in need, especially in disaster events like hurricanes or flooding. Their support isn’t just financial; groups of volunteers travel to help affected areas, assemble flood buckets, and transport them where needed. It’s amazing to see how their focus is genuinely outward focused.

– Kacie R.
Financial Planner

A few of my colleagues and I recently volunteered at the Loaves & Fishes Serenity Village location, and after seeing their impact in the community, I wanted to support them financially through the Larson Financial Foundation. We packed boxes of food into peoples’ cars as they drove through the church parking lot. Serenity Village supports individuals facing hunger by collecting food that would otherwise be thrown away by grocery stores and restaurants. This has a double impact: they estimate they save between six-eight tons of food per month, and they are helping the community. This distribution site runs every Friday, despite the weather, and even when holidays land on a Friday, they are still out there. They are a great example of servant leadership, and we will definitely volunteer there again.

– Aileen B.L.

All human lives have the same value, and every human being has the inalienable right to have health care. However, the playing field needs to be leveled for those who are born at a disadvantage. Partners in Health doesn’t just give resources to countries in need, but they train local community members on how to provide for themselves and help those in their culture.

– Kayleigh L.
Senior Client Service Manager

The Impact Center helps support one of the most poverty-stricken zip codes in the state of Indiana. They do so by mentoring people who have been incarcerated, hosting ESL and parenting classes, assisting with job placements, and much more. They provide turkeys during Thanksgiving, and meals and gifts for families during Christmas. My family and I regularly volunteer with them, and whatever arises, The Impact Center steps up to meet those needs.

– Andy B.
Compliance Officer

Empowering Communities

We are passionate about seeing communities flourish and we believe working with local charitable organizations is key in revitalizing individuals and the communities they live in. 

True prosperity involves not just individual success but collective well-being. By focusing on giving back, we contribute to the betterment of communities while creating a sense of unity and shared progress.

  • Social Responsibility: As a responsible corporate citizen, we recognize the impact of our actions on the world. By actively participating in philanthropy, we fulfill our duty to society, working towards a more equitable and sustainable future.
  • Fulfilling a Higher Purpose: Beyond financial transactions, we believe in the power of purpose-driven actions. Giving back adds depth and meaning to our work, creating a positive ripple effect that extends far beyond the realm of numbers and accounts.

One At A Time

“The Larson Foundation has left lasting marks upon Urban K-Life of St. Louis.  Their sincere partnership and resources to help develop and nurture urban youth have been genuine, invaluable, engaging, and effective.”

Dr. J. Sims
Operations Director – Urban K-Life of St. Louis


Testimonials provided by individuals in association with their organization. Individual was not compensated to provide testimonial.

Human Coalition is grateful for the support of Larson as we serve women facing unexpected pregnancies with life-affirming resources, compassion, and hope.”

Julie Scott Emmons
Director of Strategic Partnerships – Human Coalition


Testimonials provided by individuals in association with their organization. Individual was not compensated to provide testimonial.

The Larson Foundation has provided many children with life-changing surgeries. They have also donated funds to provide a much-needed vehicle and they are sponsoring the daily needs of many children who have been rescued from crisis situations. These children are now living in one of our three homes, which provides them with love, care, and a safe place to call home until we either return them to their extended family or in the majority of cases find them their forever family.”

Pauline Curtis-Smith
CEO, Ruel Foundation – Give A Smile


Testimonials provided by individuals in association with their organization. Individual was not compensated to provide testimonial.

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